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This Sunday, Trinity Baptist Church celebrates her 110th anniversary. In 1914, a group of Christians gathered in Kerrisdale and, under the guidance of the Spirit, formed a church. Some 40 years later, the church moved to our current location. From her beginning, Trinity Baptist Church has been celebrating the good news of Jesus, witnessing to the grace of God, and rejoicing in the salvation that is offered in Jesus Christ.

We are a church of diverse backgrounds and cultures, and we celebrate the goodness of God in our midst. So, our 110th anniversary is very special. What's more, as we look back over our history, we have many reasons to thank the Lord. But most importantly, we know it’s all about Jesus.

In 1 Corinthians 11:23, the Apostle Paul says, “For I receive from the Lord what I also passed on to you. The Lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, after the supper, he took the cup saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this whenever you drink it in remembrance of me.’”

Later, in 1 Corinthians 15:3, the Apostle Paul says, “For what I received, I passed on to you as of first importance, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and he appeared to Peter and then to the twelve. After that, he appeared to more than 500 of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. And he appeared to James and then to all the apostles and last of all, he appeared to me also as to one abnormally born.”

In both passages, Paul begins by saying, “What I received, I pass on to you.” That's what we want to do as we come to our 110th anniversary. We remember our past, but pass on the good news of Jesus for the future.

This week, if you're a regular attender or member of Trinity Baptist Church, celebrate the goodness and grace of God. If you're somebody who watches these devotions week by week, thank you. May you have reason to say thank you Jesus for all that he has done.

Let's celebrate that God is good, not just for 110 years, but for thousands of years before, and until Christ comes again and then for eternity.

Let's pray.

O Lord God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thank you that you have been at work, that you have made yourself known in the lives of women and men and girls and boys at Trinity Baptist Church, and that you continue to do so in the power of your Spirit to bring glory to Jesus. This is our desire, that we may know the power of the Holy Spirit, that we may live for Jesus Christ, and give glory to God the Father. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Come and join us on Sunday as we celebrate our 110th anniversary. And may the Lord bless you.

視頻大意翻譯 (video Chinese translation):


本周日,三一浸信會教會將慶祝成立 110 周年。1914年,一群基督徒聚集在Kerrisdale,在聖靈的引導下成立了一個教會。大約 40 年後,教堂搬遷到這些地方。從一開始,三一浸信會就一直在慶祝耶穌的好消息,見證上帝的恩典,並為耶穌基督賜予我們的救贖而歡欣喜樂。

我們是一個具有不同背景和文化的教會,我們慶祝上帝在我們中間的美善。因此, 110 周年紀念日對我們來說非常特別。當回顧我們的歷史時,我們有很多理由要感謝主。但最重要的是,我們知道這一切都與耶穌有關。

在哥林多前書 11:23 中,使徒保羅說:“因為我從主那裡領受了我所傳給你們的。主耶穌在被賣的那天晚上拿起餅來,祝謝了,就擘開說:『這是我的身體,是給你的。你們要這樣行,為的是記念我。同樣,晚飯後,他拿起杯說:『這杯是我血所立的新約。每逢喝它,就要這樣行,為的是記念我。

之後,在哥林多前書15章3節中,使徒保羅說:“我當日所領受又傳給你們的、第一、就是基督照聖經所說、為我們的罪死了.而且埋葬了.又照聖經所說、第三天復活了.並且顯給磯法看.然後顯給十二使徒看.後來一時顯給五百多弟兄看、其中一大半到如今還在、卻也有已經睡了的.以後顯給雅各看.再顯給眾使徒看. 末了也顯給我看.我如同未到產期而生的人一般。”

在這兩段經文中,保羅一開始就說:“我所領受的,也要傳給你們。這就是我們在 110 周年紀念日時想做的事情。我們記住我們的過去,但將耶穌的好消息傳遞給未來。


讓我們慶祝 上帝是怎樣的良善,不僅僅是 110 年,之前的幾千年,直到他再來,然後是永恆。



Grace and peace

Pastor Callum