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Dear Trinity members and friends

Happy 110 Anniversary!

This Sunday, October 27, we will celebrate God’s grace and goodness to us for 110 years.

Here’s an outline of our Sunday celebrations:

9.30 am – Worship Service – focus on our anniversary celebrations.

11.00 am – Worship Service – focus on our anniversary celebrations.

During the morning, historical documents, photographs, and memorabilia from Trinity’s history are on view in the Lounge hosted by Alison and George.

12.15 pm – Lunch in the gym, including a cake. Lunch prepared and served by members of Trinity.

After lunch, the documents, photographs, and memorabilia will remain on view in the Lounge hosted by Alison and George.

2.00 pm – A historical review of Baptist origins and Baptist history in Western Canada presented by Pastor Callum in the Lounge.

3.30 pm – Conclusion of our Anniversary celebrations.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.





9.30 am – 主日敬拜 – 著重於週年紀念慶祝

11.00 am – 主日敬拜 – 著重於週年紀念慶祝


12.15 pm – 體育室午餐,包括蛋糕午餐將由教會會員提供和服事.

午餐之後, AlisonGeorge繼續在交誼廳展示三一浸信會一些歷史文獻、照片和值得紀念的事物。

2.00 pm – Callum牧師將在交誼廳介紹浸信會起源和加西浸信聯會的歷史

3.30 pm – 週年慶祝活動結束。


Many blessings

Pastor Callum

Rev. Dr. Callum Jones

Senior Pastor