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It’s turned cold. Many of us wake up to frost on our cars. Before we can drive our vehicles, we need to clear the frost.

I start the car and turn on the windshield heating and defroster. I also scrape the frost from the windshield. Slowly, as the car warms up and the heating blows warm air onto the windshield, the frost melts.

Like early morning frost, our lives are fragile, temporary. Here one moment, gone the next. Recently, this thought has crossed my mind a lot. I have a significant birthday in a few days. Being a year older reminds me that God holds my life in his hands. My days are numbered by the Lord. He knows when I rise and when I shall finally rest. This became even clearer to me last weekend. On Saturday morning, I had the privilege of being with a dear Trinity friend who passed peacefully into the presence of Jesus.

Psalm 90:12 says, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” The Lord reminds us to have a humble and grateful perspective; he reminds us that life is precious; he reminds us that life ought to be treated with dignity. When we honour the gift of life he has given us, we display wisdom. And this wisdom means trusting ourselves completely into the arms of Jesus.

Like early morning frost our lives are fragile. Our days on earth are numbered. But in Christ, our days in glory are beyond number.

Today, trust the arms of Jesus to hold you in the situations and circumstances that lie before you. Be wise. And live with gratitude and humility.

視頻大意翻譯 (video Chinese translation):





詩篇90:12節說” 求你指教我們怎樣數算自己的日子、好叫我們得着智慧的心。”主提醒我們要有謙卑和感恩的眼光;他提醒我們,生命是寶貴的;他提醒我們,生命應被有尊嚴地對待。當我們尊重他所賜予我們的生命禮物時,我們展示了智慧。而這種智慧意味著將自己完全交托在耶穌的懷抱中。




Grace and peace

Pastor Callum