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Each year at Thanksgiving, we highlight two ministries we wish to support with a special 
Thanksgiving offering. This year we will support Hope Hill and Jasper Baptist Church. Hope 
Hill is based in East Vancouver and is currently looking for support to build 64 new low-cost 
housing spaces for low income seniors. Jasper Baptist Church is facing significant costs 
following the devastating fire in the summer. Hope Hill and Jasper Baptist Church are part of 
the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada. If you wish to support our Thanksgiving Offering, 
please mark your envelope “Thanksgiving Offering”. The offering will be divided equally 
between Hope Hill and Jasper Baptist Church. Thank you so much for your generosity and 
support for these important ministries.

More information on Hopehill: Making Connections September 2024 - Canadian Baptists of Western Canada (
More information on Jasper Baptist Church: Making Connections September 2024 - Canadian Baptists of Western Canada (

每年的感恩節,我們都會以感恩節特別奉獻支持兩個事工。今年我們將支持 Hope Hill (希望山) 和 
Jasper Baptist Church (賈斯柏浸信會)。Hope Hill 位處於溫哥華東區,目前正在尋求支持,以便為
低收入老人家建造64個新的廉租房。Jasper Baptist Church 在今年夏天嚴重的火災後,現正面臨鉅
明”Thanksgiving Offering” 。這筆奉獻將被平分來支持 Hope Hill (希望山) 和 Jasper Baptist 
Church (賈斯柏浸信會) 。謝謝您慷慨奉獻來支持這兩個重要的事工。