Simultaneous translation for both services will begin on June 11. We will provide Mandarin translation during the service by WiFi. For those who need Mandarin translation, we encourage you to bring your cellphone and earbuds. If you have an old, working cellphone you wish to donate to help us provide translation to newcomers, please give these to Pastor Silas. Thank you.
六月將開始兩堂崇拜的同步翻譯。 藉著無線網絡我們將提供中文普通話的翻譯。需要中文普通話翻譯的人,在五月二十一日和五月二十八日崇拜之後將會對這新系統有個介紹。我們鼓勵你攜帶自己的手機和耳機。如果你有老舊,但仍可使用的手機可捐出來給新來的人使用的話,請將這手機拿給Silas牧師。謝謝。