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Last week, there was a blockage in our main sewer pipe. All the wastewater in our house uses the sewer pipe. Water from the dishwasher, the washing machine, the shower, the sinks, and of course the toilets run though this sewer pipe. Hopefully, by the time of this devotion, a plumber has come to remove the blockage. In the meantime, we cannot use any water.

So why am I diverting the flow of the rainwater downpipes? Obviously, we decide not to use water in the house until the sewer pipe is cleared, but we have no control over the rain. I need to redirect the downpipes so rainwater doesn’t back up the sewer pipe and flood the lower part of our house. That would be a disaster.

Homes require constant upkeep and maintenance. It's the same with our discipleship. The New Testament says that our bodies are like temples – God dwells in us. We cannot neglect our discipleship just as we cannot neglect our homes. We cannot choose to live in ways that dishonor God with our bodies (our lives) and expect to have no problems. One of the most famous verses in the Bible, Romans 12:1, says,

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

To offer our bodies as living sacrifices is just another way of saying “don’t stop the daily upkeep and maintenance of your lives.” The Lord calls us to attend constantly to our discipleship. How do we do this?

Romans 12 reminds us to exercise the gifts God has given us – we serve him. Romans 12 tells us to be devoted to one another in love – we honor one another. Romans 12 commands us to pray for others, even those who cause us pain and hassle – we bless people. Romans 12 says we must not seek revenge – we commit everything to God. These are very practical ways we maintain our discipleship, practical ways we preserve the dignity of our bodies – the dwelling place of God in us – each day.

May the Lord encourage you as you let Jesus complete his daily maintenance in your life.

視頻大意翻譯 (video Chinese translation):



房屋需要不斷的保養和維護。我們的門徒訓練也是如此。新約說我們的身體就像聖殿—上帝住在我們裡面。我們不能忽視我們的門徒訓練,就像我們不能忽視我們的家一樣。我們不能選擇以我們的身體(我們的生活)去過一個羞辱上帝的生活方式,而又期望沒有問題。聖經中最著名的經文之一,羅馬書 12:1 說:

“所以弟兄們、我以 神的慈悲勸你們、將身體獻上、當作活祭、是聖潔的、是 神所喜悅的.你們如此事奉、乃是理所當然的。”


羅馬書 12 章提醒我們要運用神賜我們的恩賜—我們事奉他。羅馬書 12 章告訴我們要用愛心彼此相愛—我們要彼此尊重。羅馬書 12 章命令我們為他人禱告,即使是那些給我們帶來痛苦和麻煩的人—我們祝福人們。羅馬書 12 章說,我們絕不能報復—我們把一切都交託給上帝。這些是我們保持門徒訓練非常實際的方法,維護我們身體尊嚴的實用方法—帝在我們裡面居住-每一天。



Grace and peace

Pastor Callum