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I have been sorting old paperwork: old bank statements, insurance policies, documents related to our previous property, and more. These are no longer relevant and no longer required. It’s time to shred them.

Today’s paper shredders are not like older versions. Older versions sliced paper; shredders today dice paper. They turn single sheets of paper into very small pulp ribbons. Shredders ensure it is impossible to restore a document.

The Bible asks us to shred those parts of our lives that are unwanted, that cause pain, that feed our sinful nature. Listen to Colossians 3:5-10.

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

The Apostle Paul, who wrote these words, reminds us in the verses before this passage that we belong to Christ and now have the hope of eternity guaranteed in Christ. Since we are not our own and our eternal future is in Jesus’ presence, we have the motivation and responsibility no longer to live like unbelievers. Our lives display sin’s defeat by Christ and daily renewal in Christ.

As we shred these destructive tendencies, so we also pursue Christ’s ways of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. We forgive one another. And Christ’s love infuses every part of our lives.

Are there attitudes, habits, and behaviours the Lord wants you to shred? Take some time to ask him. Perhaps list those he highlights. Confess the sin and ask him to continue his transformative work in your life. Then destroy the list as a symbol of your desire to follow Jesus even more closely. And may you find joy and blessing as Christ is seen more clearly in you.

視頻大意翻譯 (video Chinese translation):


我一直在整理舊的文件、舊銀行對帳單、保險單、之前房子的相關文件,等等。這些東西不再跟我有關係,我也不再需要他們, 該是把他們碎掉時候了。


聖經要我們撕碎我們生活中那些不需要的、引起痛苦的、或餵養我們罪性的東西。請聽歌羅西書 3:5-10。

所以要治死你們在地上的肢體.就如淫亂、污穢、邪情、惡慾、和貪婪、貪婪就與拜偶像一樣。因這些事、 神的忿怒必臨到那悖逆之子。當你們在這些事中活着的時候、也曾這樣行過。但現在你們要棄絕這一切的事、以及惱恨、忿怒、惡毒、毀謗、並口中污穢的言語。不要彼此說謊.因你們已經脫去舊人、和舊人的行為、穿上了新人.這新人在知識上漸漸更新、正如造他主的形像.





Grace and peace

Pastor Callum