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We have new lights in our parking lot. These lights are brilliant. They give so much brightness to the parking lot in the evenings. If you come when it's dark, you will see exactly how bright.

In the Bible, there are many ways that light is used. For example, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” In Philippians 2:15-16, Christians are called to be light in this dark world. In Psalm 119:105, we are told that God’s word is a light to our path. And there are many, many other examples.

One verse I think about comes in my favorite part of Scripture, 2 Corinthians. In 2 Corinthians 4:6, the Apostle Paul writes, “For God who said, let light shine out of darkness, made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ.”

What an amazing verse! The God of creation, who at the very beginning of the Bible said, “Let there be light”, is the God of salvation, the God of redemption, who said, “Let there be light in our hearts as we come to faith in Jesus Christ.”

In this verse, the miracle of the creation of the universe is equaled, if not even bettered by the miracle of new creation, the new creation of those who come to know Jesus. The light that God announced at creation is now the light of Christ shining in our lives. That's amazing, isn't it? It’s glorious.

But this light in our hearts also comes with a responsibility. Since, as believers, we have experienced this light of Christ in our hearts, we must share this light with others. Paul therefore reminds us in verse 5 that we preach not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord. We preach the testimony of God's transforming light in our lives. We preach the testimony of the God who said at the very beginning of creation, “Let there be light.”

When you park your car in the church parking lot at night, you will see this light. May it be a reminder that Christ has shone his light in me and in you, and that we have the responsibility to share his light with others. And may Christ be seen in you.

Let's pray.

O Lord God, we thank you. You are the light of the world. You are the one who has given us light. And this light is revealed in Jesus Christ. Flood our lives with your light day by day. And may we be witnesses to the light of Christ for the sake of others. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

May you know the blessing of this God who has shone the light of Christ in you. The Lord bless you. Thank you.






2:15-16 中,基督徒被呼召在这个黑暗的世界中作光。在诗篇119:105中,我们被告知神的话语是我们脚前的灯、路上的光。而这样的例子还有很多。

我想到的一节经文出自我最喜欢的经文之一—- 哥林多后书。在哥林多后书4:6中,使徒保罗写道:“那吩咐光从黑暗里照出来的 神,已经照在我们心里,叫我们得知 神荣耀的光显在耶稣基督的面上。”

多么奇妙的经文! 在圣经开篇时说“要有光”的创造之神,也是救赎之神--那位说“让我们的心中有光”的神,使我们因耶稣基督而获得了救恩。




