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Pens. We use pens for many tasks: to sign a document, to jot down an idea, to fill a form, to write a letter, to take a note, to compose a birthday blessing, to mark a point, to highlight a word, to leave a reminder. In the jacket I wear on Sundays, I carry pens in a pocket to record a detail or remember a name. Pens are needed every day. I have lots of pens.

In Bible times, women and men used a stylus. This might be made of metal, ivory, or bone. Job 19:24 describes an iron object. The New Testament writers used a dry reed stalk, cut to a small size, sharpened to a point at one end, and dipped into ink.

Writing was very important. But sometimes, writing was not enough. No matter how many pens or writing implements anyone had, sometimes things needed to be spoken.

3 John 1:13 says, “I have much to write you, but I do not want to do so with pen and ink.” It seems that John, the elder writing this letter, has so much to communicate that one sheet of papyrus is not enough. More importantly, this verse tells us that what John needed to communicate was too important to be written – it needed to be said.

Today, important communication is often done by email, texts, or letter. Sometimes, it’s easier to write something rather than say it; but sometimes it’s more important to say something rather than write it. In 3 John, John the elder wants to make sure relationships are put right and the truth of the Gospel is upheld. He could have written this, but he preferred to say it. Speaking the truth, in love of course, builds relationships and helps conversation in ways written words cannot.

Today, maybe there’s a relationship into which you need to say something. Maybe there’s a conversation you need to have and writing an email is not sufficient or even kind. Maybe there's a correction to be offered – a correction offered with a tender voice. Maybe there's a word of advice that’s needed – a word best said, not written. Maybe there's an encouragement to be given – an encouragement given with a smile and a hug.

We have lots of pens, but sometimes pens are not enough. When God wanted to save us, he did not send a pen or a note – he came himself.

視頻大意翻譯 (video Chinese translation):

筆。我有很多筆。很多地方都用得到它: 簽名、思考、填表、寫信、寫筆記、寫生日卡、標記、畫重點或寫紙條。星期天我穿的外套裡我都會帶枝筆,來記東西或寫下名字。我們每天都需要筆,因此,我有許多的筆。

在聖經時代,女人和男人都使用手寫筆。這可能由金屬、象牙或骨頭製成。約伯記 19:24 描述了一個鐵器。新約聖經作者使用切成小尺寸的乾蘆葦莖,一端削尖,然後蘸上墨水書寫。


約翰三書 1:13 說:“我原有許多事要寫給你、卻不願意用筆墨寫給你。”看來寫這封信的老約翰有太多要傳達的資訊,一張草紙是不夠的。更重要的是,這節經文告訴我們,因為約翰需要傳達的太重要了,不能寫下來—它需要被說出來。





Grace and peace

Pastor Callum