Sometimes we need a break. Sometimes demands, responsibilities, challenges, pressures, anxieties, even doubts become all encompassing, even suffocating. We need a break.
Last weekend my son and I went camping for one night at Rolley Lake Provincial Park. We arrived before the park closed and soon fell into our beds in the back of our van.
In the morning, we drove to the lake. It was magnificent. Sitting by the lake, listening to Bible readings on my cellphone, watching Canada geese, and gazing at the mountain views, were wonderfully restful. God brought relief in those moments.
In Scripture, people needed relief. Elijah needed relief after he confronted the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. Job needed relief as he faced the loss of everything. Martha needed relief because she became anxious about many things. Elijah, Job, and Martha found help when God stepped in. Elijah heard God’s still small voice (1 Kings 19:12-13). Job heard God’s voice through the storm (Job 38:1). Martha heard God’s voice when Jesus told her that what was needed was to follow the example of her sister Mary and listen to him (Luke 10:41-42).
What relief do you need today? Perhaps what you need to do is stop, take a break, look at the horizon, go for a walk, and hear God speaking to you. His voice brings peace and rest; his voice quietens our souls; his voice calms our hearts. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
視頻大意翻譯 (video Chinese translation):
上週末,我和兒子去Rolley Lake公園露營了一晚。我們在公園關閉之前到達,很快就倒在了我們麵包車後座的床上。外面很冷。但我們睡得很好。
在聖經中,人們需要釋放。以利亞在迦密山上與巴力的先知對峙后,需要釋放。約伯在面對失去一切時需要釋放。馬大需要釋放,因為她對很多事情都感到焦慮。當上帝介入時,以利亞、約伯和馬大找到了幫助。以利亞聽到了神平靜微小的聲音(列王紀上 19:12-13)。約伯在暴風雨中聽到了神的聲音(伯38:1)。當耶穌告訴馬大需要效法她姐姐馬利亞的榜樣並聽他的話時,馬大聽到了神的聲音(路加福音 10:41-42)。
您今天有甚麼需要釋放的?也許你需要做的是停下來,休息一下,看看地平線,出去散步,聽上帝對你說話。他的聲音帶來平安和安息; 他的聲音使我們的靈魂和心平靜下來。請記住耶穌在馬太福音 11:28-30 中所說的話:
Grace and peace
Pastor Callum