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Psalm 119:9-16 say:

How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you, Lord; teach me your decrees. With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth. I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.

Memorizing Scripture is, perhaps, a neglected aspect of discipleship. Psalm 119:11 reminds us, however, that growth in our relationship with Jesus is helped when we “hide your word in my heart.”

When we memorize Scripture, we equip ourselves for spiritual warfare, just as Jesus was able to resist Satan’s temptations in the wilderness by quoting verses from Deuteronomy. When we memorize Scripture, we think about whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lively, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy, as Philippians 4:8 tells us. When we memorize Scripture, we allow the Holy Spirit to teach us his truth about Jesus, as Jesus says in John 16:13-14.

In fact, we have the Gospel stories of Jesus because the first disciples remembered what he said and did. And if you look at the footnotes in your Bible, you’ll see how often New Testament writers quote the Old Testament – most likely from memory.

Today, we have easy access to Bibles: on the internet, on our cellphones, on our shelves, beside our beds, in church pews. But it is still important to memorize Scripture.

Here are some practical ways to help us. First, pick a translation that you use often. Most likely, you already have some familiarity with the Scripture you will memorize. Second, read the passage slowly several times. Notice each word, each phrase, when words are repeated, how the passage flows. Just doing just these things will help you become a better reader of the Bible.

Third, memorize a phrase at a time. Make sure you know it perfectly before moving to the next phrase. Then, make sure you know the next phrase perfectly. After that, go back to the first phrase and combine it with the second phrase. Make sure these are correct before you move to the third phrase. And so on…

Fourth, try to speak the phrases out loud, or if not out loud, move your mouth to say each word silently. Connecting the physical movement of your lips and, if possible, the audible sound of the words, helps with memorization.

Fifth, if it’s difficult to speak the phrases out loud, write them on paper. Writing helps memorization. If that’s difficult, try typing them on a computer or cellphone.

Sixth, if you can, join with two or three other people. It’s amazing how memorization with friends motivates us.

Finally, repeat, repeat, repeat. No matter where you are, repeat the verses as often as you can. Repetition embeds Scripture in our hearts and minds. As Psalm 119:13 says, “With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth.”

One final point: many of us memorize single verses. There’s great value in doing this, but I promise you will have a richer understanding of the Bible if you memorize passages, not just single verses. You will understand the context of each verse and therefore better apply the verse in your life.

Above all, rejoice in the gift that is the Bible. This is God’s Word. Let us treasure it as “one rejoices in great riches.”


诗篇119:9-16 说:

少年人用什么洁净他的行为呢?是要遵行你的话。 我一心寻求了你,求你不要叫我偏离你的命令。我将你的话藏在心里,免得我得罪你。耶和华啊,你是应当称颂的,求你将你的律例教训我。我用嘴唇传扬你口中的一切典章。我喜悦你的法度, 如同喜悦一切的财物。我要默想你的训词,看重你的道路。我要在你的律例中自乐, 我不忘记你的话。

背诵经文也许是门徒训练中一个被忽视的方面。然而,诗篇 119 的经文提醒我们,正如第 11 节所说当我们“将你的话藏在我心里”时,我们与耶稣的关系发展肯定会有所帮助。

当我们背诵圣经时,我们就是在为属灵争战装备自己,就像耶稣在旷野中引用申命记的经文来抵挡撒但的试探一样。当我们背诵经文时,我们的心思意念充满了真理:我们思考任何真实、高贵、正确、纯洁、活泼、令人钦佩、优秀和值得称赞的事物,正如腓立比书 4:8 告诉我们的那样。当我们背诵经文时,我们让圣灵教导我们关于耶稣的真理,正如耶稣在约翰福音 16:13-14 中告诉我们的那样。








最后,重复,重复,重复。当你煮咖啡时,当你在杂货店排队时,当你等红灯时,当你外出散步时,当你晚上休息时——尽可能多地重复。重复将圣经嵌入我们的心灵和思想中。正如诗篇 119:13 所说:“我用嘴唇传扬你口中的一切典章。”



Grace and peace

Pastor Callum