Our dog Mikey is a Pug. Pugs have many traits. One is that Pugs guard resources. If Mikey finds a piece of paper, a leaf, a shoe, or a dog toy, he stands over it. If any of us comes too close, he growls. He guards it as if it’s the most important thing in the world.
The other day, we cooked perogy. One fell on the floor. None of us noticed, including Mikey. But later he found it. He took it to the couch. And there he guarded it. And guarded it. And guarded it. For over an hour we could not coax him away. Eventually, he jumped off the coach to find my wife. We grabbed the perogy and Mikey’s hour of guard duty ended.
Standing guard over resources is one of Mikey’s traits. And standing guard is a Christian’s trait. 1 Timothy 6:20 says, “Guard what has been entrusted to your care.” 2 Timothy 1:14 says, “Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you – guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.” To guard what has been entrusted to us means we never let go of or compromise the truth of the Gospel. Like Mikey who resolutely guarded the perogy, we resolutely guard the truth of the Gospel. We teach the Gospel, we live the Gospel, we pray the Gospel, we proclaim the Gospel, we pass on the Gospel to the next generation. And on the Gospel we take our stand.
Today, how will you stand guard for the Gospel among your family, with friends, at work, in your neighbourhood?
守護資源是米奇的特質之一,而堅守崗位則是基督徒的特質。提摩太前書 6:20 說:“要保守所交託你看管的。”提摩太後書 1:14 說:“從前所交託你的善道,你要靠著那住在我們裡面的聖靈牢牢地守著。” 守護託付給我們的東西意味著我們永遠不會放棄或妥協福音的真理。就像米奇堅決守護它的餃子一樣,我們也堅決守護福音的真理。我們教導福音,我們活出福音,我們祈禱福音,我們宣揚福音,我們將福音傳遞給下一代。我們以福音為我們一切的立場。
Grace and peace
Pastor Callum