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Our Kids’ Bible Adventure Week is over. We’ve just finished our Sunday Adventure Week celebration. Lots of children and families came and we had a barbecue and bouncy castle for the children afterwards.

The main theme for the Adventure Week was Psalm 56:3. This says, “Whenever I'm afraid, I put my trust in you.” Each day, we learned what it means to trust God. On Day 1, the children heard the story of Jacob and his dream of the angels doing up and down the steps into heaven. Jacob had to trust God to go with him and we must trust God to go with us.

Day 2 was the story of Ruth choosing to go with Naomi. We learned to trust God to lead the way. Day 3 was from Luke 2:41-52 – the story of the twelve-year-old Jesus in the Temple discussing with the religious teachers. We learned to trust God to share his wisdom.

Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4 was the story for day 4. When the disciples were afraid, Jesus commanded the storm to stop. We learned to trust God to give us peace.

And on day 5 the story of the Ethiopian official reading Isaiah 53 and Philip explaining how Isaiah points to Jesus showed us that the Gospel of Jesus gives us joy. We learned to trust God to give us joy.

We thank the Lord for our Kids Bible Adventure week. And we thank Pastor Chris for leading the week.

Here’s the brief video from the week.

視頻大意翻譯 (video Chinese translation):



這次營會的主題是來自詩篇56:3。” 我懼怕的時候要倚靠你。”每一天我們學習信靠神是甚麼意思。









Grace and peace

Pastor Callum