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My pastoral ministry began as a youth pastor in a Baptist church in July 1989. At that
time I was called “Pastor Callum”.

Over the next few months, following an intensive process of assessment by the Baptist denomination in England, the Lord called me to be the solo pastor at a neighbouring Baptist church. This was when leaders from the Baptist denomination and the local church I was about to serve formally recognized God’s call over my life. So, at a service of ordination on January 26th, 1991, I was ordained to Baptist ministry - exactly 34 years ago last Sunday. Not only was I “Pastor Callum”, I became the Reverend Callum Jones. As you might imagine, remembering that occasion has been important for me in the last few days.

At my ordination service, the pastor of the Baptist church where I had been a youth pastor was the main speaker. His text for the sermon was Leviticus 10:6. This begins:

“Then Moses said to Aaron and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, 'Do not let your hair become unkempt…’”

Yes, I had more hair 34 years ago and, believe it or not, it needed a lot of combing to
keep it in order. Now you know why my friend used Leviticus 10:6 for his sermon.

Leviticus says priests must not let their hair become unkempt – in other words, they must keep their hair tidy. My friend then highlighted Exodus 29:6. This verse says priests must wear a turban. Here’s the point: because the priest wore a turban, who would know if the priest’s hair was tidy or not? Only God and the priest. It was a matter of the priest’s integrity before God.

Followers of Jesus are called to integrity. Fundamentally, integrity is demonstrated by the honesty and humility we show before God, whether it is seen by others or not. How we live “in private” matters just as much as how we live “in public”. As Paul said in 2 Corinthians 1:12, “Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, with integrity and godly sincerity. We have done so, relying not on worldly wisdom but on God’s grace.” As Jesus said in Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart.”

A service of ordination 34 years ago continues to remind me of the importance of living for Jesus with integrity. This is true for all of us: whether we are called to pastoral ministry or not, integrity matters.

Let’s be people of integrity; let’s be pure in heart.

Grace and peace

Pastor Callum


視頻大意翻譯 (video Chinese translation):


1989 年 7 月,我在一所浸信會教會開始了我的牧師生涯,擔任青年牧師,當時我被稱為
式認可了神對我一生的呼召。因此,在 1991 年 1 月 26 日的按立儀式上,我被按立成為
浸信會事工。那是 34 年前的上週日。我不僅是“卡勒姆牧師”,而且還成為了尊敬的卡勒



,浸信會教會的牧師是主要演講者。他的講道文本是利未記 10:6。是這樣開始:


是的,34 年前我的頭髮比較多,不管你信不信,我需要經常梳理頭髮才能保持整齊。現
在你知道為什麼我的朋友在他的講道中使用利未記 10:6 了。

,他們必須保持頭髮整潔。然後我的朋友強調了出埃及記 29:6。這節經文說祭司必須戴

的生活方式一樣重要。正如保羅在哥林多後書 1 章 12 節所說:「我們所誇的,是自己的
這樣。。正如耶穌在馬太福音 5 章 8 節所說:“清心的人有福了。”

34 年前的一次按立儀式不斷提醒我,正直地為耶穌而活的重要性。但這對我們所有人來

